Rebecca Siegel

Every year thousands of people in Oakland California arrive at the ED in the acute stages of opioid withdrawal.1 Opioid withdrawal, an agonizing process that involves vomiting, diarrhea, shivering and pain, has historically been treated with an anti-nausea table, a discharge order, and…
In October of 2015 Joshua J. Lynch, DO, a clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine in the Jacobs School and a physician with UBMD Emergency Medicine, read a paper that introduced him to the idea of Emergency Department based medication assisted therapy (MAT).1 
In 2010, Ohio became the state with fourth highest rate of overdoses in the US, a title which it defended until becoming number three in 2016 and number two the following year.1  While victims increase in number, they decrease in age. This past year the population of Ohio lost a…
The emergency department has become a prominent battle-ground for our nation’s opioid epidemic. The CDC estimates that between July 2016 and September 2017 over 140,000 patients visited an ER for overdose nationwide. At a time where a staggering 4 out of 5 new heroin users started out misusing…